Module jdk.jshell

Class FailOverExecutionControlProvider

    • Method Detail

      • defaultParameters

        public Map<String,String> defaultParameters()
        Create and return the default parameter map for this ExecutionControlProvider. There are ten parameters, "0" through "9", their values are ExecutionControlProvider specification strings, or empty string.
        Specified by:
        defaultParameters in interface ExecutionControlProvider
        a default parameter map
      • generate

        public ExecutionControl generate​(ExecutionEnv env,
                                         Map<String,String> parameters)
                                  throws Throwable
        Create and return a locally executing ExecutionControl instance. At least one parameter should have a spec.
        Specified by:
        generate in interface ExecutionControlProvider
        env - the execution environment, provided by JShell
        parameters - the modified parameter map.
        the execution engine
        Throwable - if all the given providers fail, the exception that occurred on the first attempt to create the execution engine.