*** DRAFT ***

2009-Dec-07 - Version 3.6.21

SQLite version 3.6.21 focuses on performance optimization. For a certain set of traces, this version uses 12% fewer CPU instructions than the previous release (as measured by valgrind). In addition, the FTS3 extension has been through an extensive cleanup and rework and the sqlite3_trace() interface has been modified to insert bound parameter values into its output.

2009-Nov-04 - Version 3.6.20

SQLite version 3.6.20 is a general maintenance release. The query planner has been enhanced to work better with bound parameters in LIKE and GLOB operators and in range constraints and various minor bugs have been fixed. Upgrading from 3.6.19 is optional.

2009-Oct-14 - Version 3.6.19

SQLite version 3.6.19 adds native support for foreign key constraints, including deferred constraints and cascading deletes. Enforcement of foreign keys is disabled by default for backwards compatibility and must be turned on using the foreign_keys pragma.

Version 3.6.19 also adds support for the IS and IS NOT operators. Formerly, SQLite (as most other SQL database engines) supported IS NULL and IS NOT NULL. The IS and IS NOT operators are generalizations that allow the right-hand side to be an arbitrary expression. IS and IS NOT work the same as == (equals) and != (not equals) except that with IS and IS NOT the NULL values compare equal to one another.

2009-Sep-11 - Version 3.6.18

Beginning with this release, the SQLite source code is tracked and managed using the Fossil distributed configuration management system. SQLite was previously versioned using CVS. The entire CVS history has been imported into Fossil. The older CVS repository remains on the website but is read-only.

There are two major enhancements in SQLite version 3.6.18. The first is a series or refinements to the query planner that help SQLite to choose better plans for joins where in the past it was selecting suboptimal query plans. The SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 compile-time option has been added to cause SQLite to collect histogram data on indices when the ANALYZE command is run. The use of histograms improve the query planning performance even more.

The second major enhancement is that SQLite now support recursive triggers. The older non-recursive behavior of triggers is still the default behavior. Recursive triggers are activated using the recursive_triggers pragma. In addition to allowing triggers to call themselves (either directly or indirectly) the new capability also fires DELETE triggers on rows that are removed from a table as a result of REPLACE conflict resolution processing.

Non-recursive triggers are still the default behavior since this is least likely to cause problems for existing applications. However, we anticipate that triggers will become recursive by default beginning with release 3.7.0. At that point, applications that want to continue using the older non-recursive trigger behavior will need to use the recursive_triggers pragma to disable recursive triggers.

This version of SQLite also contains bug fixes, though none of the bugs are serious and all are obscure, so upgrading is optional.

The SQLite core continues to have 100% branch test coverage and so despite the many changes in this release, the developers believe that this version of SQLite is stable and ready for production use.

2009-Aug-10 - Version 3.6.17

This is a monthly maintenance release with a focus of bug fixes, performance improvements, and increased test coverage. This is the first release of SQLite since 100% branch test coverage was achieved on the SQLite core.

In addition, a new interface sqlite3_strnicmp() is provided for the convenience of extension writers.

None of the bugs fixed in this release are serious. All bugs are obscure. Upgrading is optional.

2009-July-25 - 100% Branch Test Coverage

A subset of the TH3 test suite was measured by gcov to provide 100% branch test coverage over the SQLite core (exclusive of the VFS backend and of extensions such as FTS3 and RTREE) when compiled for SuSE 10.1 Linux on x86. The SQLite developers pledge to maintain branch test coverage at 100% in all future releases. Ongoing work will strive for 100% branch test coverage on the operating-system backends and extensions as well.

2009-Jun-27 - Version 3.6.16

SQLite version 3.6.16 is another general maintenance release containing performance and robustness enhancements. A single notable bug was fixed (ticket #3929). This bug cause cause INSERT or UPDATE statements to fail on indexed tables that have AFTER triggers that modify the same table and index.

2009-Jun-15 - Version 3.6.15

SQLite version 3.6.15 is a general maintenance release containing performance and robustness enhancements and fixes for various obscure bugs.

2009-May-25 - Version

SQLite version fixes an obscure bug in the code generator (ticket #3879) section of SQLite which can potentially cause incorrect query results. The changes from the prior release consist of only this one bug fix, check-in [6676] and a change to the version number text.

The bug was introduced in version 3.6.14. It is recommended that users of version 3.6.14 and upgrade to this release. Applications are unlikely to hit this bug, but since it is difficult to predict which applications might hit it and which might not, we recommend that all users of 3.6.14 and upgrade to this release.

2009-May-19 - Version

SQLite version is a patch release to version 3.6.14 with minimal changes that fixes three bugs. Upgrading is only necessary for users who are impacted by one or more of those bugs.

2009-May-07 - Version 3.6.14

SQLite version 3.6.14 provides new performance enhancements in the btree and pager layers and in the query optimizer. Certain workloads can be as much as twice as fast as the previous release, though 10% faster is a more typical result.

Queries against virtual tables that contain OR and IN operators in the WHERE clause are now able to use indexing.

A new optional asynchronous I/O backend is available for unix and windows. The asynchronous backend gives the illusion of faster response time by pushing slow write operations into a background thread. The tradeoff for faster response time is that more memory is required (to hold the content of the pending writes) and if a power failure or program crash occurs, some transactions that appeared to have committed might end up being rolled back upon restart.

This release also contains many minor bug fixes, documentation enhancements, new test cases, and cleanups and simplifications to the source code.

There is no compelling reason to upgrade from versions 3.6.12 or 3.6.13 if those prior versions are working. Though many users may benefit from the improved performance.

2008-Dec-16 - Version 3.6.7

SQLite version 3.6.7 contains a major cleanup of the Unix driver, and support for the new Proxy Locking mechanism on MacOSX. Though the Unix driver is reorganized, its functionality is the same and so applications should not notice a difference.

2008-Nov-26 - Version

This release fixes a bug that was introduced into SQLite version 3.6.6 and which seems like it might be able to cause database corruption. This bug was detected during stress testing. It has not been seen in the wild. An analysis of the problem suggests that the bug might be able to cause database corruption, however focused efforts to find a real-world test cases that actually causes database corruption have so far been unsuccessful. Hence, the likelihood of this bug causing problems is low. Nevertheless, we have decided to do an emergency branch release out of an abundance of caution.

The version release also fixes a obscure memory leak that can occur following a disk I/O error.

2008-Nov-22 - Version

This release fixes a bug that was introduced into SQLite version 3.6.4 and that can cause database corruption in obscure cases. This bug has never been seen in the wild; it was first detected by internal stress tests and required substantial analysis before it could be shown to potentially lead to corruption. So we feel that SQLite versions 3.6.4, 3.6.5, and 3.6.6 are safe to use for development work. But upgrading to this patch release or later is recommended prior to deploying products that incorporate SQLite.

We have taken the unusual step of issuing a patch release in order to get the fix for this bug into circulation quickly. SQLite version 3.6.7 will continue on its normal path of development with an anticipated release in mid December.

2008-Nov-19 - Version 3.6.6

SQLite version 3.6.5 is released. This is a quick turn-around release that fixes a bug in virtual tables and FTS3 that snuck into version 3.6.5. This release also adds the new application-defined page cache mechanism.

2008-Nov-12 - Version 3.6.5

SQLite version 3.6.5 is released. There are various minor feature enhancements and numerous obscure bug fixes. The change log contains the details. Upgrading is optional.

2008-Nov-01 - Bloomberg Joins SQLite Consortium

The SQLite developers are honored to announce that Bloomberg has joined the SQLite Consortium.

2008-Oct-15 - Version 3.6.4

SQLite version 3.6.4 adds new features designed to help applications detect when indices are not being used on query. There are also some important performance improvements. Upgrading is optional.

2008-Sep-22 - Version 3.6.3

SQLite version 3.6.3 fixes a bug in SELECT DISTINCT that was introduced by the previous version. No new features are added. Upgrading is recommended for all applications that make use of DISTINCT.

2008-Aug-30 - Version 3.6.2

SQLite version 3.6.2 contains rewrites of the page-cache subsystem and the procedures for matching identifiers to table columns in SQL statements. These changes are designed to better modularize the code and make it more maintainable and reliable moving forward. Nearly 5000 non-comment lines of core code (about 11.3%) have changed from the previous release. Nevertheless, there should be no application-visible changes, other than bug fixes.

2008-Aug-06 - Version 3.6.1

SQLite version 3.6.1 is a stabilization and performance enhancement release.

2008-July-16 - Version 3.6.0 beta

Version 3.6.0 makes changes to the VFS object in order to make SQLite more easily portable to a wider variety of platforms. There are potential incompatibilities with some legacy applications. See the 35to36.html document for details.

Many new interfaces are introduced in version 3.6.0. The code is very well tested and is appropriate for use in stable systems. We have attached the "beta" designation only so that we can make tweaks to the new interfaces in the next release without having to declare an incompatibility.

2008-May-12 - Version 3.5.9

Version 3.5.9 adds a new experimental PRAGMA: journal_mode. Setting the journal mode to PERSIST can provide performance improvement on systems where deleting a file is expensive. The PERSIST journal mode is still considered experimental and should be used with caution pending further testing.

Version 3.5.9 is intended to be the last stable release prior to version 3.6.0. Version 3.6.0 will make incompatible changes to the sqlite3_vfs VFS layer in order to address deficiencies in the original design. These incompatibilities will only effect programmers who write their own custom VFS layers (typically embedded device builders). The planned VFS changes will be much smaller than the changes that occurred on the 3.4.2 to 3.5.0 transaction that occurred last September.

This release of SQLite is considered stable and ready for production use.

2008-Apr-16 - Version 3.5.8

Version 3.5.8 includes some important new performance optimizations in the virtual machine code generator, including constant subexpression factoring and common subexpression elimination. This release also creates new public interfaces: sqlite3_randomness() provides access to SQLite's internal pseudo-random number generator, sqlite3_limit() allows size limits to be set at run-time on a per-connection basis, and sqlite3_context_db_handle() is a convenience routine that allows an application-defined SQL function implementation to retrieve its database connection handle.

This release of SQLite is considered stable and ready for production use.

2008-Mar-17 - Version 3.5.7

Version 3.5.7 fixes several minor and obscure bugs, especially in the autoconf-generated makefile. Upgrading is optional. This release of SQLite is considered stable and ready for production use.

2008-Feb-6 - Version 3.5.6

Version 3.5.6 fixes a minor regression in 3.5.5 - a regression that had nothing to do with the massive change ove the virtual machine to a register-based design. No problems have been reported with the new virtual machine. This release of SQLite is considered stable and ready for production use.

2008-Jan-31 - Version 3.5.5

Version 3.5.5 changes over 8% of the core source code of SQLite in order to convert the internal virtual machine from a stack-based design into a register-based design. This change will allow future optimizations and will avoid an entire class of stack overflow bugs that have caused problems in the past. Even though this change is large, extensive testing has found zero errors in the new virtual machine and so we believe this to be a very stable release.

2007-Dec-14 - Version 3.5.4

Version 3.5.4 fixes an long-standing but obscure bug in UPDATE and DELETE which might cause database corruption. (See ticket #2832.) Upgrading is recommended for all users.

This release also brings the processing of ORDER BY statements into compliance with standard SQL. This could, in theory, cause problems for existing applications that depend on the older, buggy behavior. See ticket #2822 for additional information.

2007-Dec-12 - SQLite Consortium Announced

The SQLite Consortium was launched today with Mozilla and Symbian as charter members. As noted in the press release, the Consortium's goal is to promote the continuing vitality and independence of SQLite.

2007-Nov-27 - Version 3.5.3

This is an incremental release that fixes several minor problems. Upgrading is optional. If Version 3.5.2 or 3.5.1 is working fine for you, then there is no pressing need to change to 3.5.3.

The prebuilt binaries and the amalgamation found on the download page include the FTS3 fulltext search extension module. We are doing this on an experimental basis and are not promising to provide prebuilt binaries with FTS3 in the future.

2007-Nov-05 - Version 3.5.2

This is an incremental release that fixes several minor problems, adds some obscure features, and provides some performance tweaks. Upgrading is optional.

The experimental compile-time option SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORY_ALLOCATION is no longer supported. On the other hand, it is now possible to compile SQLite so that it uses a static array for all its dynamic memory allocation needs and never calls malloc. Expect to see additional radical changes to the memory allocation subsystem in future releases.

2007-Oct-04 - Version 3.5.1

Fix a long-standing bug that might cause database corruption if a disk-full error occurs in the middle of a transaction and that transaction is not rolled back. Ticket #2686.

The new VFS layer is stable. However, we still reserve the right to make tweaks to the interface definition of the VFS if necessary.

2007-Sep-04 - Version 3.5.0 alpha

The OS interface layer and the memory allocation subsystems in SQLite have been reimplemented. The published API is largely unchanged but the (unpublished) OS interface has been modified extensively. Applications that implement their own OS interface will require modification. See 34to35.html for details.

This is a large change. Approximately 10% of the source code was modified. We are calling this first release "alpha" in order to give the user community time to test and evaluate the changes before we freeze the new design.

2007-Aug-13 - Version 3.4.2

While stress-testing the soft_heap_limit feature, a bug that could lead to database corruption was discovered and fixed. Though the consequences of this bug are severe, the chances of hitting it in a typical application are remote. Upgrading is recommended only if you use the sqlite3_soft_heap_limit interface.

2007-Jly-20 - Version 3.4.1

This release fixes a bug in VACUUM that can lead to database corruption. The bug was introduced in version 3.3.14. Upgrading is recommended for all users. Also included are a slew of other more routine enhancements and bug fixes.

2007-Jun-18 - Version 3.4.0

This release fixes two separate bugs either of which can lead to database corruption. Upgrading is strongly recommended. If you must continue using an older version of SQLite, please at least read about how to avoid these bugs at CorruptionFollowingBusyError and ticket #2418

This release also adds explicit limits on the sizes and quantities of things SQLite will handle. The new limits might causes compatibility problems for existing applications that use excessively large strings, BLOBs, tables, or SQL statements. The new limits can be increased at compile-time to work around any problems that arise. Nevertheless, the version number of this release is 3.4.0 instead of 3.3.18 in order to call attention to the possible incompatibility.

There are also new features, including incremental BLOB I/O and incremental vacuum. See the change log for additional information.

2007-Apr-25 - Version 3.3.17

This version fixes a bug in the forwards-compatibility logic of SQLite that was causing a database to become unreadable when it should have been read-only. Upgrade from 3.3.16 only if you plan to deploy into a product that might need to be upgraded in the future. For day to day use, it probably does not matter.

2007-Apr-18 - Version 3.3.16

Performance improvements added in 3.3.14 but mistakenly turned off in 3.3.15 have been reinstated. A bug has been fixed that prevented VACUUM from running if a NULL value was in a UNIQUE column.

2007-Apr-09 - Version 3.3.15

An annoying bug introduced in 3.3.14 has been fixed. There are also many enhancements to the test suite.

2007-Apr-02 - Version 3.3.14

This version focuses on performance improvements. If you recompile the amalgamation using GCC option -O3 (the precompiled binaries use -O2) you may see performance improvements of 35% or more over version 3.3.13 depending on your workload. This version also adds support for exclusive access mode.

2007-Feb-13 - Version 3.3.13

This version fixes a subtle bug in the ORDER BY optimizer that can occur when using joins. There are also a few minor enhancements. Upgrading is recommended.

2007-Jan-27 - Version 3.3.12

The first published build of the previous version used the wrong set of source files. Consequently, many people downloaded a build that was labeled as "3.3.11" but was really 3.3.10. Version 3.3.12 is released to clear up the ambiguity. A couple more bugs have also been fixed and PRAGMA integrity_check has been enhanced.

2007-Jan-22 - Version 3.3.11

Version 3.3.11 fixes for a few more problems in version 3.3.9 that version 3.3.10 failed to catch. Upgrading is recommended.

2007-Jan-9 - Version 3.3.10

Version 3.3.10 fixes several bugs that were introduced by the previous release. Upgrading is recommended.

2007-Jan-4 - Version 3.3.9

Version 3.3.9 fixes bugs that can lead to database corruption under obscure and difficult to reproduce circumstances. See DatabaseCorruption in the wiki for details. This release also adds the new sqlite3_prepare_v2() API and includes important bug fixes in the command-line shell and enhancements to the query optimizer. Upgrading is recommended.

2006-Oct-9 - Version 3.3.8

Version 3.3.8 adds support for full-text search using the FTS1 module. There are also minor bug fixes. Upgrade only if you want to try out the new full-text search capabilities or if you are having problems with 3.3.7.

2006-Aug-12 - Version 3.3.7

Version 3.3.7 includes support for loadable extensions and virtual tables. But both features are still considered "beta" and their APIs are subject to change in a future release. This release is mostly to make available the minor bug fixes that have accumulated since 3.3.6. Upgrading is not necessary. Do so only if you encounter one of the obscure bugs that have been fixed or if you want to try out the new features.

2006-Jun-19 - New Book About SQLite

The Definitive Guide to SQLite, a new book by Mike Owens is now available from Apress. The books covers the latest SQLite internals as well as the native C interface and bindings for PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, Tcl, and Java. Recommended.

2006-Jun-6 - Version 3.3.6

Changes include improved tolerance for Windows virus scanners and faster :memory: databases. There are also fixes for several obscure bugs. Upgrade if you are having problems.

2006-Apr-5 - Version 3.3.5

This release fixes many minor bugs and documentation typos and provides some minor new features and performance enhancements. Upgrade only if you are having problems or need one of the new features.

2006-Feb-11 - Version 3.3.4

This release fixes several bugs, including a a blunder that might cause a deadlock on multithreaded systems. Anyone using SQLite in a multithreaded environment should probably upgrade.

2006-Jan-31 - Version 3.3.3 stable

There have been no major problems discovered in version 3.3.2, so we hereby declare the new APIs and language features to be stable and supported.

2006-Jan-24 - Version 3.3.2 beta

More bug fixes and performance improvements as we move closer to a production-ready version 3.3.x.

2006-Jan-16 - Version 3.3.1 alpha

Many bugs found in last week's alpha release have now been fixed and the library is running much faster again.

Database connections can now be moved between threads as long as the connection holds no locks at the time it is moved. Thus the common paradigm of maintaining a pool of database connections and handing them off to transient worker threads is now supported. Please help test this new feature. See the MultiThreading wiki page for additional information.

2006-Jan-10 - Version 3.3.0 alpha

Version 3.3.0 adds support for CHECK constraints, DESC indices, separate REAL and INTEGER column affinities, a new OS interface layer design, and many other changes. The code passed a regression test but should still be considered alpha. Please report any problems.

The file format for version 3.3.0 has changed slightly to support descending indices and a more efficient encoding of boolean values. SQLite 3.3.0 will read and write legacy databases created with any prior version of SQLite 3. But databases created by version 3.3.0 will not be readable or writable by earlier versions of the SQLite. The older file format can be specified at compile-time for those rare cases where it is needed.

2005-Dec-19 - Versions 3.2.8 and 2.8.17

These versions contain one-line changes to 3.2.7 and 2.8.16 to fix a bug that has been present since March of 2002 and version 2.4.0. That bug might possibly cause database corruption if a large INSERT or UPDATE statement within a multi-statement transaction fails due to a uniqueness constraint but the containing transaction commits.

2005-Sep-24 - Version 3.2.7

This version fixes several minor and obscure bugs. Upgrade only if you are having problems.

2005-Sep-16 - Version 3.2.6 - Critical Bug Fix

This version fixes a bug that can result in database corruption if a VACUUM of a 1 gibibyte or larger database fails (perhaps do to running out of disk space or an unexpected power loss) and is later rolled back.

Also in this release: The ORDER BY and GROUP BY processing was rewritten to use less memory. Support for COUNT(DISTINCT) was added. The LIKE operator can now be used by the optimizer on columns with COLLATE NOCASE.

2005-Aug-27 - Version 3.2.5

This release fixes a few more lingering bugs in the new code. We expect that this release will be stable and ready for production use.

2005-Aug-24 - Version 3.2.4

This release fixes a bug in the new optimizer that can lead to segfaults when parsing very complex WHERE clauses.

2005-Aug-21 - Version 3.2.3

This release adds the ANALYZE command, the CAST operator, and many very substantial improvements to the query optimizer. See the change log for additional information.

2005-Aug-2 - 2005 Open Source Award for SQLite

SQLite and its primary author D. Richard Hipp have been honored with a 2005 Open Source Award from Google and O'Reilly.

2005-Jun-13 - Version 3.2.2

This release includes numerous minor bug fixes, speed improvements, and code size reductions. There is no reason to upgrade unless you are having problems or unless you just want to.

2005-Mar-29 - Version 3.2.1

This release fixes a memory allocation problem in the new ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN command.

2005-Mar-21 - Version 3.2.0

The primary purpose for version 3.2.0 is to add support for ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN. The new ADD COLUMN capability is made possible by AOL developers supporting and embracing great open-source software. Thanks, AOL!

Version 3.2.0 also fixes an obscure but serious bug that was discovered just prior to release. If you have a multi-statement transaction and within that transaction an UPDATE or INSERT statement fails due to a constraint, then you try to rollback the whole transaction, the rollback might not work correctly. See Ticket #1171 for details. Upgrading is recommended for all users.

2005-Mar-16 - Version 3.1.6

Version 3.1.6 fixes a critical bug that can cause database corruption when inserting rows into tables with around 125 columns. This bug was introduced in version 3.0.0. See Ticket #1163 for additional information.

2005-Mar-11 - Versions 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 Released

Version 3.1.4 fixes a critical bug that could cause database corruption if the autovacuum mode of version 3.1.0 is turned on (it is off by default) and a CREATE UNIQUE INDEX is executed within a transaction but fails because the indexed columns are not unique. Anyone using the autovacuum feature and unique indices should upgrade.

Version 3.1.5 adds the ability to disable the F_FULLFSYNC ioctl() in OS-X by setting "PRAGMA synchronous=on" instead of the default "PRAGMA synchronous=full". There was an attempt to add this capability in 3.1.4 but it did not work due to a spelling error.

2005-Feb-19 - Version 3.1.3 Released

Version 3.1.3 cleans up some minor issues discovered in version 3.1.2.

2005-Feb-15 - Versions 2.8.16 and 3.1.2 Released

A critical bug in the VACUUM command that can lead to database corruption has been fixed in both the 2.x branch and the main 3.x line. This bug has existed in all prior versions of SQLite. Even though it is unlikely you will ever encounter this bug, it is suggested that all users upgrade. See ticket #1116. for additional information.

Version 3.1.2 is also the first stable release of the 3.1 series. SQLite 3.1 features added support for correlated subqueries, autovacuum, autoincrement, ALTER TABLE, and other enhancements. See the release notes for version 3.1.0 for a detailed description of the changes available in the 3.1 series.

2005-Feb-01 - Version 3.1.1 (beta) Released

Version 3.1.1 (beta) is now available on the website. Verison 3.1.1 is fully backwards compatible with the 3.0 series and features many new features including Autovacuum and correlated subqueries. The release notes From version 3.1.0 apply equally to this release beta. A stable release is expected within a couple of weeks.

2005-Jan-21 - Version 3.1.0 (alpha) Released

Version 3.1.0 (alpha) is now available on the website. Verison 3.1.0 is fully backwards compatible with the 3.0 series and features many new features including Autovacuum and correlated subqueries. See the release notes for details.

This is an alpha release. A beta release is expected in about a week with the first stable release to follow after two more weeks.

2004-Nov-09 - SQLite at the 2004 International PHP Conference

There was a talk on the architecture of SQLite and how to optimize SQLite queries at the 2004 International PHP Conference in Frankfurt, Germany. Slides from that talk are available.

2004-Oct-11 - Version 3.0.8

Version 3.0.8 of SQLite contains several code optimizations and minor bug fixes and adds support for DEFERRED, IMMEDIATE, and EXCLUSIVE transactions. This is an incremental release. There is no reason to upgrade from version 3.0.7 if that version is working for you.

2004-Oct-10 - SQLite at the 11th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference

There will be a talk on the use of SQLite in Tcl/Tk at the 11th Tcl/Tk Conference this week in New Orleans. Visit http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2004/ for details. Slides from the talk are available.

2004-Sep-18 - Version 3.0.7

Version 3.0 has now been in use by multiple projects for several months with no major difficulties. We consider it stable and ready for production use.

2004-Sep-02 - Version 3.0.6 (beta)

Because of some important changes to sqlite3_step(), we have decided to do an additional beta release prior to the first "stable" release. If no serious problems are discovered in this version, we will release version 3.0 "stable" in about a week.

2004-Aug-29 - Version 3.0.5 (beta)

The fourth beta release of SQLite version 3.0 is now available. The next release is expected to be called "stable".

2004-Aug-08 - Version 3.0.4 (beta)

The third beta release of SQLite version 3.0 is now available. This new beta fixes several bugs including a database corruption problem that can occur when doing a DELETE while a SELECT is pending. Expect at least one more beta before version 3.0 goes final.

2004-July-22 - Version 3.0.3 (beta)

The second beta release of SQLite version 3.0 is now available. This new beta fixes many bugs and adds support for databases with varying page sizes. The next 3.0 release will probably be called a final or stable release.

Version 3.0 adds support for internationalization and a new more compact file format. Details. The API and file format have been fixed since 3.0.2. All regression tests pass (over 100000 tests) and the test suite exercises over 95% of the code.

SQLite version 3.0 is made possible in part by AOL developers supporting and embracing great Open-Source Software.

2004-Jly-22 - Version 2.8.15

SQLite version 2.8.15 is a maintenance release for the version 2.8 series. Version 2.8 continues to be maintained with bug fixes, but no new features will be added to version 2.8. All the changes in this release are minor. If you are not having problems, there is there is no reason to upgrade.

2004-Jun-30 - Version 3.0.2 (beta) Released

The first beta release of SQLite version 3.0 is now available. Version 3.0 adds support for internationalization and a new more compact file format. Details. As of this release, the API and file format are frozen. All regression tests pass (over 100000 tests) and the test suite exercises over 95% of the code.

SQLite version 3.0 is made possible in part by AOL developers supporting and embracing great Open-Source Software.

2004-Jun-25 - Website hacked

The www.sqlite.org website was hacked sometime around 2004-Jun-22 because the lead SQLite developer failed to properly patch CVS. Evidence suggests that the attacker was unable to elevate privileges above user "cvs". Nevertheless, as a precaution the entire website has been reconstructed from scratch on a fresh machine. All services should be back to normal as of 2004-Jun-28.

2004-Jun-18 - Version 3.0.0 (alpha) Released

The first alpha release of SQLite version 3.0 is available for public review and comment. Version 3.0 enhances internationalization support through the use of UTF-16 and user-defined text collating sequences. BLOBs can now be stored directly, without encoding. A new file format results in databases that are 25% smaller (depending on content). The code is also a little faster. In spite of the many new features, the library footprint is still less than 240KB (x86, gcc -O1). Additional information.

Our intent is to freeze the file format and API on 2004-Jul-01. Users are encouraged to review and evaluate this alpha release carefully and submit any feedback prior to that date.

The 2.8 series of SQLite will continue to be supported with bug fixes for the foreseeable future.

2004-Jun-09 - Version 2.8.14 Released

SQLite version 2.8.14 is a patch release to the stable 2.8 series. There is no reason to upgrade if 2.8.13 is working ok for you. This is only a bug-fix release. Most development effort is going into version 3.0.0 which is due out soon.

2004-May-31 - CVS Access Temporarily Disabled

Anonymous access to the CVS repository will be suspended for 2 weeks beginning on 2004-June-04. Everyone will still be able to download prepackaged source bundles, create or modify trouble tickets, or view change logs during the CVS service interruption. Full open access to the CVS repository will be restored on 2004-June-18.

2004-Apr-23 - Work Begins On SQLite Version 3

Work has begun on version 3 of SQLite. Version 3 is a major changes to both the C-language API and the underlying file format that will enable SQLite to better support internationalization. The first beta is schedule for release on 2004-July-01.

Plans are to continue to support SQLite version 2.8 with bug fixes. But all new development will occur in version 3.0.

*** DRAFT ***